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Update Regarding Pool Openings

Published: May 22, 2020

We hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Many know that the Governor recently allowed pools to open at 25% occupancy under the guidance of local municipalities. We have been in discussions daily with city officials, health department, pool vendors, attorneys and insurance professionals. We have come to the hard decision that we cannot open our pools at this time. We do not take this decision lightly and will continue to evaluate when we can possibly open them as the Covid-19 situation is changing every day. Many factors are going into this decision. Safety of our residents is the most important. Costs associated with operating changes that currently must be made with CDC and health department guidelines make it cost prohibitive to open the pool at this time.

The Board of Directors will host an online meeting on June 9th. An Invitation to the meeting is below.

Marine Creek Meadows
Board of Directors

Marine Creek Meadows HOA

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