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2023 Season Pool Update

Published: August 28, 2023

The Spoon Drift pool has had many issues over the past few weeks due to vandalism and the extreme heat. The Spoon Drift pool has been closed since last week due to the gate needing to be repaired after damages and the network hardware for the key card system having issues due to the extreme heat. The gate has been repaired and we hope to have the network hardware replaced by early next week. The hardware will be replaced with more durable hardware that can withstand the extreme temperatures so we do not continue to have issues moving forward.

Due to the issues that we have had with the Spoon Drift pool, we will be keeping the community pools open until Monday October 2nd. Sunday October 1st will be the last day for swimming in the community pools for this summer.

Please let the board know if you have any questions at all and hope everyone has a great rest of your summer!

Click here to download and read the MCM Pool Update

Marine Creek Meadows HOA

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